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Zehong Lin

Research Assistant Professor

Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE)
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

Address: Room 3112A, Academic Building, HKUST
[Google Scholar] [GitHub]


Dr. Zehong Lin received the B.Eng. degree in Information Engineering from South China University of Technology (SCUT), Guangzhou, China, in 2017, and the Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, in 2022. Since 2022, he has been with the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, where he is currently a Research Assistant Professor. His research interests include federated learning, edge AI, generative AI, and foundation models.

Research Interests

  • Federated and Distributed Learning

  • Machine Learning in Wireless Communications

  • Generative AI and Foundation Models

  • Neural Data Representation and Compression

  • O-RAN and Edge AI Systems


  • New [07/2024] Paper “Bidirectional stereo image compression with cross-dimensional entropy model” was accepted by ECCV 2024. [Paper]

  • New [06/2024] Paper “WirelessLLM: Empowering large language models towards wireless intelligence” was accepted by the Journal of Communications and Information Networks. [Paper][Video][Wechat Official Accounts Article (Chinese)]

  • New [05/2024] Paper “Understanding and improving model averaging in federated learning on heterogeneous data” was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). [Paper][GitHub][Wechat Official Accounts Article (Chinese)]

  • New [03/2024] Paper “FedCiR: Client-invariant representation learning for federated non-IID features” was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). [Paper]

  • New [03/2024] We will organize the 2nd IEEE Hong Kong 6G Wireless Summit (IEEE HK6GWS 2024) on 11-12 September 2024.

  • New [01/2024] Paper “Spatial-aware latent initialization for controllable image generation” was submitted. [Paper]

  • New [12/2023] Paper “Large language models empowered autonomous edge AI for connected intelligence” was accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine. [Paper][Wechat Official Accounts Article (Chinese)]

  • New [11/2023] Paper “Channel and gradient-importance aware device scheduling for over-the-air federated learning” was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC). [Paper]

  • [09/2023] Paper “Probabilistic scheduling for over-the-air federated learning,” was accepted by the 2023 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT). [Paper]

  • [08/2023] We will organize the 1st IEEE Hong Kong 6G Wireless Summit (IEEE HK6GWS 2023) on 13-14 September 2023.

  • [07/2023] Paper “A survey of what to share in federated learning: Perspectives on model utility, privacy leakage, and communication efficiency” was submitted. [Paper][Wechat Official Accounts Article (Chinese)]

  • [03/2023] Paper “CFLIT: Coexisting federated learning and information transfer” was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC). [Paper]

  • [10/2022] I joined the Department of ECE at HKUST.

  • [08/2022] I passed my Ph.D. thesis defense.